leadership team coaching for
start-ups & growing organizations
Are you a team of young and ambitious leaders or founding members working with love and dedication to build something beautiful and disruptive? Are you a team of people with individual talents and abilities, but together could do with some improvements in collaboration, communication, role structure and responsibilities setting?
I love to work with ambitious and driven leadership teams on a mission to build innovative and disruptive products and services. I feel called to support and inspure them to live and work with intention and purpose. I'm here to serve rather than to help therefore this work can be intense and it can be high flame. While most of my clients become friends, I am not here to “be” your friend. I will help you to get more in touch with your team's zone of genius, and help you spend more of your time there, feeling energized, rather than doing things that drain you.
I will observe diligently, detect patterns and bring accountability to your highest truest selves. I will tell you things about you that most people would not dare to tell you. I will help you see things that you can't see by yourself but need an external unbiased observer. Things you aren't able to see without an external companion committed to deeply observe and get to know you​. I'll help you create a company and working style that truly serves the team and the individuals.
Do you feel called to take a genuine look at yourselves, each other and your team dynamics from different angels, under the guidance of someone that really believes in you, helps you to work through your blind spots and will help you to dream bigger? Do you want to become the best version of yourselves? We spend 40-80h per week putting the two most valuable things we have in this life, our time and attention, into our work and businesses. Have you really asked yourself deeply why you're doing it and what your intentions are? Does it connect with your values and is it intrinsically or extrinsically driven? What legacy are you leaving?

meet john, your
team coach
After a successful corporate career and some entrepreneurial endeavours, a major personal crisis and years of deep transformative inner work, I felt clear on what I'm here to do and started my transformative coaching and leadership facilitation business. Besides the individual projects and engagements I am undertaking, I collaborate with an international network of professional facilitators and coaches.
Prior to launching my own business I was active in the tech industry, primarily working at GetYourGuide in Berlin and in Dublin at the European HQ of Google.
My previous experience as an entrepreneur and my time in the start-up and corporate space have helped me to better understand the challenges and opportunities leaders, high performers, innovators and disruptors face. Bringing this together with the many years of doing my own inner work and investing in deep developmental work has set me up in a unique position to effectively support leaders and organizations in profound transformation and growth towards more prupose, connection, meaning and sustainable high performance.
does this sound like your team?
Our Leadership Team Coaching programs are for leadership teams of start-ups and growing organizations who desire to upgrade themselves, their team dynamics and eventually their performance. For those that have the willingness to look inside and transform parts of ourselves that no longer serve us. Some reasons to step into this work:
The team is not feeling clarity around the common purpose
The team is struggling to engage employees
The communication in the team is not landing as cleanly and powerfully as you'd like
The team is easily triggered and overreactive
The team is having a hard time stepping out of unhealthy habits
Some team members are experiencing overwhelm and/or burn-out
Some team members are not in touch with or unable to communicate their needs
There is a need to clarify roles and areas of responsibilities without becoming too rigid
The team is experiencing difficulties integrating and welcoming new members in the team
Are you experiencing disruption due to team members working in different places

Key take-aways
​Leadership team coaching can help to increase performance, improve confidence and relationships, and increase the effectiveness of the team. Our interventions increase the trust, communication, collaboration, connection and agility of leadership teams in start-ups and fast growing organizations. We work fast yet focused, and if your team wants to step into this work, you can expect the following:
Understand and learn how to navigate the complexity of interpersonal relationships. Learn to let the differences and contrast turn into synergies and strengths rather than be the cause of conflict, distrust and miscommuniation. Grow your willingness to work with complementary strengths and with conflicting styles.
Upgrade the trust and the communication within your team. the level of Trust has a direct impact on the team's energy, engagement, and also on the productivity and retention. Trust also makes retrospectives, reviews mistake conversations more truthful and honest, leading to a better quality of decision making and therefore reduced mistakes.
Achieve greater alignment around your strategic direction and the core values you hold as a team and organization. Understand the impact of your behaviours on the broader culture and safety of all employees. You set the bar for what is welcome and what is not. This can have a positive effect on making decisions about business growth, hiring, organization culture and so on.
Skillfully navigate periods of disruption and change, grow agility to take on new and necessary roles, and learn how to quickly integrate new team menmbers in a smooth and effective way.
I will help you to get more in touch with your zone of genius, and help you spend more of your time there, feeling energized, rather than doing things that drain your energy
I help your team dream bigger than you've dreamt before, then I help you see a way how you can really, truly bring alive that vision.

What I'm looking for in my clients
Here are a number of things to consider before stepping into this work together. Besides the financial commitment, there is a number of other things I am looking for in my clients:
Stepping in authentically with courage and vulnerability, revealing your true self
Being OK with questioning and reassessing deep rooted beliefs and ideas about yourself, others and life
Openness to make time in your life to commit to doing regular practices & reflections
A willingness to do this work not just for oneself but also to contribute to something greater than yourself

Methodology & Approach

Individual reflections and self-awareness building through coaching, personality tests and practices

Experiential techniques and explorations to uncover our personal narratives, stories and patterns

Reconnecting to our deeper Why's, aligning with our strengths and gifts and reminding each other of the higher intentions

Learn how to use the power of stories to share and articulate values, purpose and successfully influence key stakeholders

Step in with the willingness to let go of what is no longer serving, embrace new ways and put your ego aside

Develop the tools, language and strategies to speak your truths, resolve conflict, set boundaries and discuss difficult topics with ease

Inspirational quotes
80% of success is showing up.
~Woody Allen
Let him who would move the world, first move himself.
~ Socrates
All we need to do is to have a piece of the path to the future. And that’s ours. And we polish that and we hone that. And we place that in the pathway that we are building. And as we build that pathway it changes us as the builders of that path and it also shapes the destination that we are going to.
~ Dr. Noel Nannup
There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.
~ Howard Thurman

Bejamin Jones
Co-Founder & Chairman @ Nuri
Working together with John was an extremely powerful experience. We spend a lot of time thinking about the strategy and goals in our work life, but why not in our personal life?
Our time together helped me define what was important to me and he provided me with the structure and tools to help me take steps towards it.

Franco Amorosi
Sales Manager @ Amazon
John is a kind listener whose guidance and patience invites you to listen to yourself with curiosity and compassion. During our work together he shared insights and tools that I still reflect on and that keep helping me in my personal exploration.

Ilya Blokh
Director of Product @ Blinkist
I started working with John during a moment of crisis - leaving a full time job and feeling unsure of what to do next. John's calm, methodical approach really helped me understand myself and my needs better and led me to a path that has been much more fulfilling than the work I was doing before.
We used a combination of assessments to better understand my personality and values, various tools to help me ground and listen to my intuition and structured discussions of whatever questions came up for me. Together, these helped me make my transition with a lot of confidence and energy. I also appreciated how John made himself available via voice notes whenever things came up between sessions.