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Search inside yourself













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Search Inside Yourself

‘Search Inside Yourself’ was developed within Google, with the help of various leading experts. This program focuses on developing attention, emotional intelligence and (personal) leadership. ‘Search Inside Yourself’ helps individuals, teams and organizations to grow from within and to reach their full potential.


SIY combines traditional mindfulness exercises with modern science. It consists of individual assessments, live experience and an online follow-up programme. After SIY, participants are able to better handle stress, fast-pace and complexity. And will have more knowledge, inspiration and practical tools in the fields of self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and (personal) leadership.

Why Search Inside Yourself?

Search Inside Yourself takes an evidence-based approach combining neuroscience, attention-training and emotional intelligence. The program provides practical tools that can be applied immediately in life or at work. We start with a foundation of mindfulness, and build the core emotional intelligence domains that lead to these 3 high level capacities:

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Excellent Performance

Attention, concentration and focus increase self-awareness and self-management, which enhance effectivity. It becomes easier to deal with stress & pressure. .

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(Personal) Leadership

Conscious choices are easier and more powerful, from clarity about what really matters. This increases self-confidence, resilience and personal leadership. 

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Health & Wellbeing

Learn how to develop and maintain mental and emotional strength in our modern, fast paced society and to choose health and wellbeing for yourself and others wisely.

Program Benefits

Search Inside Yourself has been described as "life changing." It allows for deep transformations through accessible and practical content. The tools, practices, resources and exercises you'll learn in the Search Inside Yourself program will help to:

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Experience greater overall well-being.

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Build resilience in the face of challenges.

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Manage stress.

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Develop greater self-awareness and emotion regulation.

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Develop empathy and communicate more effectively.

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Increase focus and attention.

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SIY starts with a highly interactive live (online or in-person) training followed by a four-week online journey. It is highly interactive, including experiential exercises, dyads, group conversations, attention-training practices and writing activities.

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Live Training
(2 full days)
Virtual Practice
(28 days)
Capstone Webinar
(1.5 hour)
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Impact report

Have a look at the impact report below, showcasing feedback from over 1,500 Search Inside Yourself global program participants. It demonstrates the positive impact the program has across multiple dimensions.

Download the impact report 


Nettra Pan

Lecturer @ City University's Business School


SIY Participant


Patricia Dranoff

Creative Producer


SIY Participant
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We offer this successful program to companies in different formats from a half-day to the full 2 day program followed by the 28 day challenge and Capstone Webinar. It is available in-person as well as virtually. Interactive keynotes are possible too. Let’s talk about how we can best support your organization & measure the results.

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Ines Biskic
L&D Manager @ GetYourGuide

John was really great to work with while setting up a company-wide training: very kind, empathetic, professional and precise. I loved how he always had the participants best interests & learning outcomes in mind. I participated in the sessions myself and can confirm they had a fine balance of theory & practice and a good pace, as every theoretical chunk was soon followed by exercises that allowed us to absorb the topic more deeply and connect with new colleagues as well.


Klaudia Malisz
HR Manager @ Job Impulse

I heartily recommend SIY training. The best method to find the answer to your stressful work and life, training helps you find the balance and balance you need today. If you want to work with passion and not lose yourself, be sure to check SIY


Manager @ De Belastingdienst

The SIY program that John brought to the Belastingdienst had a large variety of practices, ranging from very practical excersises to pretty challenging mindfulness approaches. The major upside about this diversity is that is serves everybody who attended the program. All the participants have taken elements from the SIY program and incorporated them in to their daily routines. In addition, is helps a team grow stronger, as you get to know your collegues on a different level.

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